Spotlight: Septic System Contractors

Because septic system contractors typically work below ground, they often aren’t sure what they may encounter at jobsites. In addition to spills and wastewater considerations, there may be storage tanks, piping, or other equipment that could be punctured, affecting soil or groundwater.

These contractors have to be cautious not to create a pollution condition or exacerbate an already underlying issue. PartnerOne has a successful track record writing this class of business, offering industry-leading coverage and superior service.

Available coverage for septic system contractors includes:

For more information, please email us or call (800) 596-0172.

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Team Spotlight: Allison McGreal

We will continue our Team Spotlight feature this month with Allison McGreal, Assistant Vice President. Meet Allison!



Coverage for Medical Waste Businesses

As much of the country continues to use protective masks and gloves on a regular basis, medical waste companies are continuing to see tremendous growth. Read more.

Recent Success Stories

  • $13.43M General contractor purchased Contractors Professional ($1M/$1M) for $10,127.
  • $6M HVAC/mechanical contractor purchased CPL, E&O, and Cyber coverage ($1M/$2M) for $6,100.
  • $1.8M Septic tank cleaning services GL/CPL/Cyber ($1M/$2M) and Auto ($1M) for $43,000.
  • $500k Asbestos/lead/mold remediation contractor purchased GL/CPL/E&O ($2M/$4M) and a $3M Excess policy for $50,583. This NJ based abatement contractor also does work in NY State and required action over coverage. We were able to provide broad terms at a reasonable premium to comply with their contracts.