Do you ever wish you had a “coverage 101″ type of document that explains the environmental lines a specific class of business may need? Well, never fear, we can help! We have compiled common exposures, claim scenarios, coverage information, and how to overcome challenges when selling environmental insurance to different risks you may work with. Click on the links below for these comprehensive guides.

Disclaimer: No two environmental policies are the same. It is important for agents to review specimen policies carefully in order to determine which product is best for their clients.

Coverage Guide: Environmental Consultants

The environmental consulting service industry has seen significant growth in the last several years. With increased concern over soil/groundwater contamination, air quality, mold, and other pollutants, the demand for these types of consultants will continue to be on the rise...

Coverage Guide: Environmental Contractors

Package coverage for environmental contractors starts at $2,500 plus applicable taxes and fees. For more information about PartnerOne Package, please contact us at 1-800-596-0172 or Contractors who regularly work with hazardous materials typicall...

Coverage Guide: Sites & Facilities

Premises Pollution Liability also known as site Specific Pollution, EIL, and PLL, is designed to cover claims arising from pollution releases at, on, or emanating from a scheduled location. Policies are almost always claims made and the pollution event and claim reporting...