Tire store with retread locations purchased Site Pollution and Storage Tank Liability, including waste transportation and third party liability for non-owned sites for a total premium of $19,906. This account included all aboveground tanks where the insured has implemented a...
$1.4M Real estate foundation/non-profit organization purchased a 3-year, $3M/$3M EIL policy for $20,079. This non-profit was established to acquire, hold, manage, sell, lease, participate in the development of real estate in support of the educational goals of a university....
$500k Environmental consultant who performs Phase I, II, III, monitoring, and minimal contracting purchased GL/CPL/E&O ($1M/$2M) for $15,953. Located on Long Island, this environmental consulting firm anticipates about 75% of their work to be performed in the 5 boroughs....
An airport with 12 aboveground storage tanks purchased Storage Tank Pollution Liability ($1M/$2M) for $8,249.
$1M Environmental drilling, soil, and groundwater remediation contractor purchased GL/CPL ($1M/$2M) and a $4M Excess policy for a total of $32,824. This is a NJ domiciled risk doing work in NY State. This came from a carrier that changed their appetite on NY business and we...
Asbestos abatement & interior demolition contractor in NY purchased GL/CPL/E&O ($1M/$2M) and a $4M Excess policy for $183,000.
$3.7M Environmental consultant in NY purchased GL/CPL/E&O, including Action Over, ($1M/$2M) and a $4M Excess policy for a total of $42,407.