Recently Written Accounts

Recently Written Account 3.18.19

$375k Environmental consultant purchased GL/CPL/E&O ($2M/$2M with $2,500 deductible) for $5,207. Services include expert witness, air quality sampling and testing, safety inspection and testing, industrial hygiene, and mold investigations.

Recently Written Account 3.1.19

$1.8M Abatement contractor purchased GL/CPL ($1M/$2M) and Excess ($5M) for $75,000. This is a NJ domiciled risk taking on work in NY State, a small percentage of which is in the 5 boroughs. We were able to offer a comprehensive policy including labor law coverage.

Recently Written Account 2.19.19

$1.7M Asbestos & demolition contractor purchased GL/CPL ($1M/$2M) and a $5M Excess policy for a total of $98,750. This insured is a NY contractor with some claim activity and the need for certain specific coverages as required by the State of NY. We were able to offer te...