$7M Pipeline construction and maintenance company purchased Contractors Pollution Liability ($5M/$5M), Transportation Pollution Liability, NODS, Mold ($1M/$1M), and Cyber for $12,127.
$2.5M Asbestos abatement and interior demolition contractor purchased GL/Contractors Pollution Liability/Cyber ($1M/$2M) and Excess ($1M) for $20,000.
$33.5 Concrete contractor purchased Contractors Pollution Liability with Transportation Pollution Liability, Mold, NODS, and Cyber. The insured also purchased a Commercial Storage Tank policy for two aboveground storage tanks they use to fuel their fleet of vehicles. Limits...
$3.5M Drilling contractor (both environmental & non-environmental drilling) purchased GL/Contractors Pollution Liability/Professional ($1M/$2M) and a $2M/$2M Excess policy for $45,089.
$80M Waste broker purchased Contractors Pollution Liability ($1M/$2M) for $31,000.
$700k Fire & water damage restoration contractor located in New York purchased GL/Contractors Pollution Liability ($1M/$2M) and a $2M Excess policy for $29,123. Coverage includes Action Over.
$200k Fire & water restoration contractor purchased GL/Contractors Pollution Liability/Professional ($1M/$2M) for $2,669. This insured had coverage elsewhere that was non-renewed as carrier was getting off fire/water accounts. We were able to offer terms because the insu...