Recent Environmental Account Profiles

We have summarized some of our recent unique accounts. Read on for details!

Sand & Gravel Quarry

The PartnerOne team recently bound an account for a $1.75M sand & gravel quarry. The insured purchased GL, Contractors Pollution Liability, Transportation Pollution Liability, Site Pollution Liability (package limits $1M/$2M) and a $3M/$3M Excess policy for $32,069 in premium. This insured had been in business for roughly 20 years without any pollution coverage, despite operating a large quarry situated entirely within a flood zone of large navigable river. They also operated a fleet of heavy trucks used for transporting aggregate product. We put together a competitive package that not only picked up their GL exposures, but significantly broadened their coverage to include Site Pollution tied to their facility, Contractors Pollution while loading/unloading product, Transportation Pollution while moving it over the road, and Products Pollution associated with the mined aggregate as well. Terms also included Natural Resource Damage within the definition of property damage, which was particularly important due to the facility’s location along a waterway and associated wooded wetlands.

Hazardous Material Collection for Oilfields

We recently wrote coverage for a $2.75M business specializing in oilfield hazardous material collection. They purchased GL/Contractors Pollution Liability ($2M/$2M) and a $10M Excess policy for $89,789. This Ohio contractor provides specialized secure storage containers for collection of muddy sludge material and industrial water from oilfield sites. When the containers are full, they transport them for disposal. The account required a $10M Excess policy and because PartnerOne is capable of offering the high limits, it enabled us to write both the Primary and Excess policies.

Auto Maintenance & Servicing Business

Last month we partnered with a producer to secure coverage for their insured, a servicing & maintenance auto center. Coverage includes Waste Transportation Liability, Non-Owned Disposal Site coverage, Covered Storage Tank System Clean Up Costs, and Third Party Bodily Injury & Property Damage Liability ($1M/$1M) for a total premium of $41,799. This policy covers 33 locations and 355 tanks ranging in age from 3 to 35 years. The PartnerOne team is experienced in handling many risks within this class of business, including dealerships, auto repair & maintenance businesses, gas stations, convenience stores, and more. We also have a successful track record of placing challenging accounts that include tanks of all ages.

Visit our Recently Written Accounts webpage to see other success stories.

Do you have an upcoming account you need help with? Contact us.