By R. Ivy Riggs, CPCU, ASLI, AIS
Executive Underwriter, PartnerOne Environmental One of the most widely misunderstood features of an environmental insurance policy is the definition of pollutant (or in some cases pollution condition). For some, the confusion arises fro...
About the insured:
The business seeking coverage operates a convenience store with underground tanks on the property and gas pumps used for the sale of gasoline. The insured has coverage in place through the state fund, but needed coverage to cover the deductible and defens...
By R. Ivy Riggs, CPCU, ASLI, AIS
Executive Underwriter, PartnerOne Environmental When the average person hears the word “excess,” it may call to mind a host of admonitions that permeate our culture: don’t eat to excess; don’t drink to excess; or classically, ...
By Allison McGreal, Assistant Vice President, PartnerOne Environmental When a friend tells you he needs a root canal, you cringe. It sounds just awful. You empathize but are thankful it’s him, not you. Broker of Record (BOR) letters often illicit the same reaction, depe...
Helping insureds understand why environmental Is an essential part of their coverage needs By Amanda Duncan, President, PartnerOne Environmental Pollution Insurance. As a carrier, broker, or agent our job is to sell the product to an insured. We all know the insured...
By Ivy Riggs, Executive Underwriter After years of supporting smoking cessation campaigns, life and health insurers may be delighted that their efforts seem to be paying off. According to recent CDC statistics, tobacco smoking in the United States has declined from nearly...
By Amanda Duncan, President It is no secret that the environmental insurance marketplace is as competitive as ever, with over 30 carriers offering various products targeting contractors, consultants, facilities, and products. Premiums are affordable and rate increases hav...
By Allison McGreal, Assistant Vice President If you Google the term "Action Over" you can find a plethora of articles written by lawyers and insurance professionals explaining the coverage, the NY Labor Laws and how the GL policy may be impacted. Each article may be an...