Claim Scenarios for Electrical Contractors

Electrical contractors have pollution exposures from many sources, ranging from their owned premises, over the road pollution, the operations of subcontractors for which the contractor is responsible, faulty work that leads to a pollution condition, and many others.

We have compiled some claims that illustrate the need for environmental insurance for electrical contractors.

An electrical control panel error that recorded an open valve as closed resulted in a release of thousands of pounds of chlorine gas into the atmosphere. The leak was detected only after several employees and local residents became ill. These same employees and residents later filed claims against both the facility and the Electrical Contractor that performed the installation.

An electrical contractor upgraded the odor control equipment at a poultry plant. However, the upgrades were performed incorrectly, which resulted in total failure of the odor control unit. Neighbors filed claims alleging Bodily Injury and diminution of Property Value.

While installing new overhead electrical lines, an electrical contractor had a subcontractor sinking the new utility poles. The subcontractor hit an underground sewer line with an auger spilling sewage into a neighboring stream. Through contractual liability, the electrical contractor was responsible for the actions of the subcontractor. Cleanup of spilled sewage and repair of the sewer line was in excess of $175,000.

electrical contractor was using an aboveground storage tank (AST) to store gasoline for his trucks and equipment. One morning, they discovered that vandals had shot a hole in the tank, releasing thousands of gallons of gasoline from the AST. This spill was the subject of a Government-mandated excavation and disposal of the contaminated soils.

An electrical contractor removed ductwork from a hospital’s HVAC system. It was later determined that the ductwork was home to a dangerous fungus. The dismantling activities and the on-site storage of dismantled ductwork caused the fungus to spread into the hospital. Patients became infected with the fungus; some were even critically infected. The contractor was found liable for the spread to the fungus and faced bodily injury and property damage claims in excess of $1 million.