PartnerOne Renewable & Alternative Energy

The Renewable Energy field has grown exponentially over the last ten years. The broad acceptance of renewable sources of energy, along with healthy tax incentives for the installation of these systems, has led to thousands of new firms now focused on this space.

Three renewable energy sources; Four wind turbines turn under a blue sky dotted with clouds. In the foreground five rows of solar panels can be seen the with oilseed rape crop being grown between them.

The companies that install, service, and/or operate in this space have unique insurance exposures. Biodigesters converting methane to compressed natural gas require an expertise that calls for specialized contractors and operators. Commercial installations of solar, geothermal, electric, biomass, and hydrogen based technologies are growing quickly in the US. This deployment brings the following types of risks into play:

  • Developers – packaging power solutions via land leases, construction, and operational outsourcing. Developers reaching out to the business sector and selling them on the tax advantages, power savings, and civic good will that large scale renewable installations bring.
  • Commercial entities hiring contractors to build facilities for them
  • Contractors – those focused on the actual design, installation, and service of systems.

Finding the right insurance to address their various needs also requires expertise. At PartnerOne Environmental we have focused on the environmental market for over twenty years, covering both contracting and facility-based exposures for thousands of insureds. In recent years, those have included the risks mentioned above.

Available coverages for the above risks can include:

  • Commercial General Liability
  • Contractors Pollution Liability
  • Professional Liability
  • Follow Form Excess
  • Cyber Liability
  • Site Specific Pollution Liability
  • Automobile Liability
  • Workers Compensation

Application process requires:

  • Completed Supplement
  • Complete Acord package for coverages desired
  • 3 years currently valued loss runs

For more information about PartnerOne Renewable & Alternative Energy, or to discuss a specific account, please contact us at 1-800-596-0172 or